Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bleeding Love

Sabem por vezes aquela musica, aquele som que vos desperta quando estão a dançar na discoteca sempre no mesmo "alinhamento", foi o que me aconteceu com esta canção!
Foi um momento que fez sentido, finalmente!!!
Apesar de ser uma metáfora, se as pessoas podessem tenho a certeza que sangravam mesmo por amor!!!

Leona Lewis Bleeding Love Lyrics

Closed off from love
I didn’t need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you’re frozen
But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true
And everyone’s looking round
I’m going crazy
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and
I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling
But nothing’s greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that
I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I....
Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
And it’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see
I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I....
Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I....
Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saint Iria

Saint Iria is one of the best views in this Island of Saint Miguel, Açores, Portugal!
Like one of my best friends, once told me, there is a moment when you meet a person for the first time, when you think we will be friends for life!!!
Of course only time, can check this point a view, but the true is that i can consider a luck person, cause i live this moment more then once in a lifetime!!!
Friends will be friends!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chá - Tea - Herbatka


O chá é a infusão de folhas ou botões da planta Camellia.

Quantitativamente, das cerca de 3.000.000 de toneladas produzidas anualmente, metade é produzida pela China e Índia, em proporções iguais. 60% do restante é produzido pelo Quénia, Turquia, Indonésia e Sri Lanka.

Na Europa apenas é cultivado nos Açores, onde são produzidas anualmente cerca de 40 toneladas.

Portugal teve duas primazias em relação à introdução do chá na Europa. A da introdução do consumo de chá e a introdução, em 1750, do cultivo do chá. Foram produzidos, na Ilha de São Miguel em zonas de micro-clima como Porto Formoso e Capelas.

Os primeiros europeus a contactar com o chá foram os Portugueses que chegaram ao Japão em 1560.

O uso do chá em Inglaterra é atribuído a Catarina de Bragança, princesa portuguesa que casou com Carlos II de Inglaterra e pode ser situado cerca de 1650.

Quer gostem ou não, todos provamos por vezes um chá que nos aconchega!!! Como hoje!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Me and they...

My first post in English, maybe my foreign friends will appreciate.
Long time without English and I miss it!
Choosing is easy and enjoying is hard, or the opposite works to for me too!
Let’s me see here is island is isolated and people think differently and time pass also such in a strange way, only people that come here fell it!
Yes, is hard to make choices, but everyday we make a million of them, such easy has colour of clothes in the morning or more difficult for me, what to eat at lunch!
Sometimes is hard to enjoy because people can’t stop thinking of the other choice they didn’t pick, but is as we say who wants it all…
The problem is that, after choosing you can’t just enjoy the one you had choose without thinking about the others possibilities and the famous question can’t leave your head
People should take courses about to leave past behind, I m not such a good example, for me past is always part of future and I live present not in a normal way!!!
I always say also to give a step beyond you need first to give a step behind!!!

Just me…

Me and you, what to do?
Stay or go, I never know!
Why can't I tell you, that I love you?
If only you knew!
Doesn't make sense all different and new!
I wish I could live, just like you!

A lot of people ask me was it wrothest?
Yes, it was in all aspects, all the choices that I made until today for the pleasure to go away for the ones that I love!

Did I miss it?
Every second of the time I spent away, I missed all persons and places!
Did I regret? No, because I did more that I could dream in a life time!
Did I like it? Every step of the way!
Did I want to return?
Yes, always, but one of the best things is to look now and see how much I grew up and accomplish in such a short time!

One year ago I could imagine that my life was going to change so much, I was in Poland, with no future in a far and foreign place, but now, I can imagine that was very good to me, to go there, to spent time there, to work there, and to come back a better person, to take a job and a new life in a different place!!!

Thank you to Poland, my friends and family that help me in the entire path I took!!!


Tu deste me tudo, o sol, a lua, a noite e o dia!
Deixaste a tua marca em mim, curaste me da vida e deste-me o futuro!
Eu sei que não vai passar, vou querer sempre mais e mais!
Mas agora sei o que posso ter, sem medo, e quando enfrentar os obstáculos eu vou conseguir!
Obrigado por me fazeres acreditar que ainda é possivel...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

O segredo...

Oh se eu pudesse descrever em palavras o que sinto, não são as sensações físicas que me trazem estes pensamentos… não é o tempo, nem as pessoas, nem sei se será físico o que sinto, é como uma dor constante que não te deixa dormir, tu dormes, mas acordas cansada, é o stress, o trabalho, a vida, tu sentes, está lá, por segundos deixas sair um pouco e libertas o que tens dentro de ti para logo de seguida, respirar novamente e veres que ninguém a tua volta percebeu o que se passou, tudo aquilo que te aflige tanto, ninguém sabe e isso sabe tão bem, o segredo!!!!